True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At gomamy, we are proud of using a true cloud hosting platform – every service is dealt with by a different machine, which suggests that your websites will always load quickly even if the system is under excessive load. This cloud hosting system was entirely developed by us with stability and scalability in mind, and is backed up by a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

Control your web sites with a single click

It’s now an easy task to attain absolute control of your web sites with the next–generation Web Control Panel that we’ve developed for you with ease of use in mind. Handle all your site files with simple drag ’n’ drop actions, register, transfer and manage multiple domains from one location, set up email mailbox accounts in an instant, manage e–mail marketing campaigns easily, set up & access your databases with a single click, check web site statistics in real time, etcetera. Innovative features like an .htaccess generator, a hotlink protection tool and a framework installer are accessible as well.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Data Backups

Your websites are fully backed–up with us

We make back–up copies of your site content regularly, which suggests that you never risk losing your files, web applications, databases, emails, etc. on account of cyber–thieves attacks or accidental deleting on your end. Additionally, using the File Manager which is conveniently integrated into the Web Control Panel, you will be able to create manual backups of all your web site content anytime. Just specify and zip the directory(ies) you wish to back up and our system will save it on your behalf in the location you’ve indicated.

Data Backups


A secure and safe web application firewall

Secure your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hack attacks thanks to ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall program meant to defend web applications against hacker assaults. We have set up the firewall program in such a way as to stop all common website assaults automatically. By default, ModSecurity is activated for all domains, but you may easily disable it for any website that you want.


VPN Access

Secure, anonymous surfing

In case, for any reason whatsoever, you have to conceal your electronic footmark, we’ve got the ideal solution for you. With any of our cloud hosting packs, you will be able to get VPN access and have all your incoming and outgoing website traffic re–routed through one of our Virtual Private Network data centers. And you’ll be able to take full advantage of the same VPN configurations on any device that’s connected to the web – your desktop computer, your laptop computer, your telephone, and so on.

VPN Access

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

A risk–free service. You will get a refund in case you’re unhappy

If, for some reason, you aren’t truly satisfied with our cloud hosting service or with our client support service, you will be able to make use of our 30–day MBG. What you need to do is submit a refund request using our ticket system and our sales staff will handle everything. Have in mind that domain registrations are final and non–refundable.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent server uptime is guaranteed

At gomamy, we offer a 99.9% uptime warranty. This means that, rain or shine, your site will be accessible online and people will be able to visit it. All this is possible thanks to the custom–built cloud hosting system that we’ve developed. It’s based on a heavily modified SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) distribution in order to ensure highest network uptime for all cloud hosting clients.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

Multiple Data Centers

Always ensure the fastest web site loading speeds for all your web site visitors

The datacenter location reflects your website’s load speed, thus, by picking a datacenter that’s as near as possible to your prospective visitors, you can truly ensure the smoothest web experience for them. We offer you a choice of data centers on 3 different continents – Colohouse in Chicago, USA; UK Servers in Coventry, UK, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. All of them offer a stable and riskless cloud hosting environment with a twenty–four–seven server monitoring service and a 99.9% uptime warranty.

Multiple Data Centers

24x7 Support

Ask us anything at all. We are here for you 24–7

Waiting for hours to get an answer from the help desk support team is really frustrating, regardless of how trivial the issue is. That is why, here, at gomamy, we offer you a sixty–minute response time guarantee, and our support team representatives normally reply in less than 20 minutes through the ticket system included in the Web Control Panel. They are at your disposal 24/7/365.

24x7 Support