Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection
Secure your domain’s WHOIS. Protect against cyber–theft. Look into the Whois Privacy Protection solution.

Whois Privacy Protection with gomamy
For you to create a strong level of defense for one’s domain name and additionally safeguard it from online thievery and various other Internet crimes, our Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection solution is certainly a fantastic choice. It can successfully conceal your personal info, which is required to remain freely available in the domain’s WHOIS information, just by swapping it using our data.
Your confidential information won’t be the single thing protected. We are going to additionally sort all spam emails and convey just domain–related email messages to your email account.
Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs
On account of a registry–imposed limit, gomamy cannot have the Whois Privacy Protection solution to all the domain names in existence. When a TLD can handle this type of solution by registry regulation, only then we can provide it to you also. Even so, almost all of the popular domains extensions come with Whois Privacy Protection support.
These TLDs include: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co,, .me, .tv, .cc.
SSL Certificates
Get SSL certificates directly from your CP
If you’ve got a web shop, which accepts credit card payments, it’s compulsory for you to offer your visitors a protected payment info submission area. And this is exactly where SSL certificates come into play – they encode the connection between your site and the client. Often, you have to go to a third–party provider to buy an SSL certificate. That is not the situation with gomamy.
At gomamy, you can request a normal SSL certificate or even a wildcard SSL certificate straight through your Control Panel.
24/7 Support Service
gomamy’s support team is here now available for you around the clock
A 24/7 technical support service is included in our domain management plan. Our techs are prepared to assist you with any problem that you may have registering, transferring or administering your domain names. For example, if you desire to update the nameservers for your domain, but are not aware of how to accomplish this, simply contact us and we’ll lend you a helping hand.
You can reach our technical support staff via email or via the client support ticket system. You can also use the phone or the live chat service during working hours. We offer a one–hour client support ticket response time guarantee.
Domain Parking
Domain parking done effortless
If you want to to park a domain name, you’ll be able to quickly achieve this with our Domain Parking tool. At any given time, you’ll be able to effortlessly point your domain name to our two domain parking templates – Under Construction and For Sale. Your domain will be parked instantaneously. You can park as many domain names as you desire!
To personalize the domain name parking templates, you can also embed custom images and text.
GeoIP Redirection Tool
Efficiently create location–dependent redirects
In our Domain Manager you’ll find a simple tool, which will permit you to filter out your traffic in accordance with the visitors’ location. With our GeoIP redirection tool, you’ll be able to quickly set up location–based redirects and point your visitors to various areas of your site. For example, you can forward the US traffic to your home page, and the traffic coming from Spain to a subdomain – es.your–, for instance.
With this easy–to–use tool, you will no longer have to type dozens of lines of code in your .htaccess file. Everything’s tackled by the tool itself.
Compare Our Prices
- Select from as many as 50 distinctive TLDs for the next domain name. Purchase a domain name registration at an incomparable cost.
- Compare our TLD prices
TLD Details
- gomamy delivers a selection of 50 plus TLDs. Discover a little more about each one TLD and discover if they have any particular prerequisites.
- View TLD Details
Service Guarantees
- Domain name hosting which includes a warranted 99.9% uptime and 99.9% DNS uptime from gomamy
Contact Us
- Do you happen to be interested in learning a little more about the Whois Privacy Protection service? Phone us and / or make use of the online chat solution from our website. You could also make use of the 24/7/365 ticketing system or write us an e–mail. 1–hour response is guaranteed.