If a particular page on an Internet site doesn't load for some reason or if a link is not functioning, the site visitor will see an error page with some generic message. The page shall have nothing in common with the rest of the site, that can make the visitor leave your site. A potential solution in this case is a function offered by some web hosting service providers - the ability to set your own custom-made error pages which will have identical layout as your Internet site and which could contain any images or text that you would like dependent upon the particular error. There are four standard errors that could take place and they involve these particular so-called HTTP status codes - 400, when your Internet browser sends a bad request to the hosting server and it cannot be processed; 401, if you are supposed to log in to see a page, but you have not done so yet; 403, if you do not have an authorization to view a particular page; and 404, when a link which you've clicked leads to a file that doesn't exist. In any of these situations, site visitors will be able to see your customized content rather than a generic error page.

Custom Error Pages in Cloud Hosting

You'll be able to set up customized error pages for each of your websites with ease if you use any of our cloud services. This can be done using the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel, provided with all accounts as soon as you go there, you could set your custom made pages independently for any domain or subdomain. You need to upload the files to your account in advance and enter the links to them through the process. This feature may be de-activated at any time and the options you shall be able to to select from are a generic page from our system or a default Apache web server page. Custom error pages may be set with an .htaccess file too. The file should be put into the domain or subdomain folder and it should incorporate some system code and links to the pages. If you are not tech-savvy, you can copy the entire content necessary for the file from our Help section.

Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account from us, you may set custom error pages for any of them easily using our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With a few mouse clicks in the Hosted Domains section, you could modify the default setting from a system page to a custom one for each of the 4 error types. All you need to do is supply a link to every file you have uploaded before that and then save the change. If needed, you shall be able to revert this change whenever you want and in exactly the same way. If you want, you may use an .htaccess file too. It should be created/uploaded within the domain or subdomain folder belonging to the site whose error pages you would like to change and the content for such a file can be found in our Help article about this matter.